I Save your life, you save my life, ‘Juntos’ We will do incredible things

IMPORTANT BEFORE YOU READ. All of materials you’re about to enjoy are accidental, unplanned, they just happened. It wasn’t until a collective of friends demanded, “You’ve got a great story, just need to figure out how to tell it.”

Hola I’m Tom Corr. Had the privilege to observe, translate Twinkles’ aventura of adversity. But that adversity is what helped both of us grow, brought us even closer. Prior to her adoption, the tiny dog and I had a relationship that was best described as ‘mutually chilly.’ Then everything began to change when I got a phone call on a chilly February morning, “Tom, you gotta come get the dog.”

Poor little girl was abandoned for two days, she was happy to see a familiar face. But as soon as we got home, she raced upstairs to her BFF’s bedroom. Sniffed all around, couldn’t find her bestie, my daughter. She’s off to college. After two days, Twink had no choice but to accept her new reality. Took a while, lotta time, lotta tests on both sides but our bond solidified, she and I became BFFs.

So one miraculous day we looked at each other and said, “Let’s get really out of comfort zone, embark on a radical new challenge, that’s how we both GET UNLEASHED. And the rest is history.

Stanford, Duke grad had a pretty good 25-year professional run. Started in consulting, migrated to big business worked my way to executive level then became an entrepreneur. I started out shy, sheltered, but always curious and ‘kept my paws dirty.’

Three million miles, hundreds of keynote speeches and facilitated workshops, thousands of high level presentations, I had enough so started my own consulting business. Felt confined, lotta time in my office. Got really depressed, really lonely. But a few feet away was a 2-kg miracle to comfort me, support me, give me hope, unconditionally loved me.

Twinkle introduced me to an ultimately fulfilling ‘paseo derecho.’ A straight path.

Our relationship got me unleashed, made me a better person. Increased my level of empathy, humility, patience, ability to coach, accept coaching. Taught me a different, more enlightened leadership style. Learned magic of unbridled MUTUAL TRUST.

Tom and Twinkles can’t wait to hear from you. E-mail us at tom@getting-unleashed.com