New findings from Michigan State University PROVES dogs’ personalities likely Can change over time.” Can this really be true?

disillusioned Duo’s AventurA To Redemption

“A heartwarming story based in Medellin, Colombia of a man and his new bestie sharing an immersive experience, embracing discomfort and relishing the unpredictability of a foreign culture. Stepping out of comfort zones, they encounter challenges that become catalysts for personal growth, discover the power of embracing change. A fun roadmap to THINK DIFFERENT, THINK BETTER.”

— Publisher of Daily Inspired Life

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What you’ll learn

  • Transformation begins when anxiety, openness, and readiness mysteriously collide

  • Executing ‘Mission Impossible’ is simpler than you think, just gotta take it one bite at a time

  • “Don’t Challenge Yourself to be Brave, Challenge Yourself to be Open and Trust In The Higher Self”

  • We Learned That Empathy and Authenticity are the Foundation of all ‘Buzzwords’

The Chinese Gang-Up

The transformational ‘miracle occurs’ when anxiety, openness, and readiness mysteriously collide

Tom enjoyed a 25+year professional career loaded with affluence, entitlement.

And emotional bankruptcy.

Then a ripple in the universe. The ex-sister-in-law calls, “There’s a problem with my sister, ya gotta get Twinkles, quick!”

Given their prior encounters, the ‘step-dad’ phase, the 2-kg, 6-yr old chihuahua had feelings of mutual indifference. Principally due to their contrasting personalities. ‘Tirade Tom’ v. ‘Timid Twinkles’ and no budging. In some ways they were mirror images. Wore visages of Ok on the outside, but they were miserable on the inside. Took months together but the embargo started to ease. The lap dog had never been on a walk. Tom remembered the classic scene from ‘The Jerk,’ where Steve Martin drags his new dog out the front door against its will.

Uncomfortable, but that would be the plan. And that day everything changed. Ability to accept and embrace disruption gets the personal evolution started. Internal motivation gets it over the goal line.

As her confidence grew, she felt safe, knew somebody there to help. Tom and Twinkles continued their walks together. Twinkles' progress was remarkable. With each outing, she became more comfortable, more curious, and less fearful. Tom was there every step of the way, offering her encouragement and support.

‘Ayuda y Apoyo para Siempre’ (help and support forever) would be their motto. They needed each other to unleash the capabilities that lied dormant all their entire lives.

Twinkles had not only learned to trust Tom during their walks but had also discovered the joy of exploring the world beyond the confines of the mansion. She no longer shied away frm new experiences. As they ventured farther from home, Twinkles began to wag her tail with excitement when she saw her leash. The tiny one had come a long way from the reticent dog that had once trembled at the prospect of stepping outside.

They would embark on a journey of courage, discovering that sometimes, the smallest steps could lead to the most significant transformations. Tom and Twinkles were no longer just owner and pet; they were inseparable companions, ready to face the world together. Then they make an unpredictable, life changing, potentially transcendent decision.

“Twinkles you gonna have a new home, Medellin, Colombia,” With a perplexed look, she replied, “Que? OK!”

They came to realize confidence, determination, hope will be the foundation for La Aventura.

Executing ‘Mission Impossible’ is simpler than you think, just gotta take it one bite at a time

As they went through immigration at Jose Cordova Airport, Medellin body language is checked with equal scrutiny as your credentials. Same too as you enter customs. Especially with dog! Tom ‘El Jefe de perrita paquena was shaking from top to tail. They were immediately greeted with the frustrations of a radically different new home. Tom realized it’s ok to be nervous inside, but must maintain a presence of confidence on the outside.

Forms, delays, lines, and general confusion will be daily ritual. The pomp, the privilege, prestige they once enjoyed immediately evaporated. The “power of regret” sets in. They had a comfortable life, Why leave for the the allure of a risky unknown? Tom sighed, “Twinkles this will be tougher than thought, but tiny dog this is our destiny.”

Meanwhile their old Dallas friends, knowing Tom’s prickly demeanor, questioned their long term abilities to thrive in a less predictable, less comfortable environment. Most bets had them returning in three weeks. Many of them parlayed that with return in a body bag.

But could the folly of La Aventura in fact be an opportunity for personal transcendence? An opportunity for not just fun but growth and redemption?

Tirade Tom must become ‘Tranquilo Tom. Relax, go with the flow, read the room, accept the beauty of imperfections.

Timid Twinkles has an opportunity to become ‘La Princesa.’ Tiny yet ‘large and in charge.’

Does it take a wicked change to realize that you could have been able to achieve the ‘higher self’ all along?

First day in Medellin, the fear was palpable. Paralyzed, afraid to walk out the hotel door. But they resolved not to let fear govern their lives. The gringo freaks figured that when facing the torrent of change, just fell back to what brings joy, happiness. “Vamos Twinkles, ir a parque.” A walk in the park was their simple paradise. And on this serendipitous day they would learn a critical integration lesson.

Enjoying a bucolic stroll, through one of Medellin’s glorious parks, two curious Colombianas spotted them an were captivated by the tiny dog. They asked, “Como se nombre de la perrita?” Tom replied, “Twinkles,” which was met by thorough confusion, there is no ‘kulz’ sound in Spanish. Thinking quick, Tom told them “Her name is Twinkle, como se ‘brilla estrella.’”

Expressions on their faces priceless, then they started singing (in Spanish) “Twinkle, Twinkle little star.” Gringo ‘knew’ the language but realized that finding a commonality is often most effective way to ‘communicate’ the language.

The grey-haired gringo hauling tiny dog in pink bag started feeling increasingly more comfortable in their unfamiliar environment and began to ‘expand their paw print.’ But they never got TOO comfortable. As their fellow foreign adventurer Ted Lasso said,

“Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, if you’re too comfortable you’re not doing it right.”

They ventured to Comuna 13, Medellin, poorest area in town, once basecamp of notorious narco Pablo Escobar. They proceeded to a back alley which had a series of small store-front restaurants, take out only. Quickly spotted a place where hot dogs were the featured item. But not your usual hot dog, a tiny value-priced hot dog with an amazingly coincidental name.

The sign said, ‘Chihuahuas, el mejor amigo del hombre. De venta aqui.’

“Well, Twinkles, Chihuahuas are in fact man’s best friend. They look delicious and I’m hungry, let’s go see what ‘man’s best friend tastes like!”

He perched the chihuahua Twinkles on the counter right next to the sign. Despite Twinkle having no idea what was going on, she looked nervous. As they snapped a pic, the entire crowd of amigos, ‘La Gente’ (the ordinary people) got the joke and were laughing their ‘colas’ off almost as if to say, “We like these gringos.”

Those random events were a realistic job preview for La Aventura. They learned to understand the root of prejudices, the necessity to be likeable, relatable, authentic.

After all the commotion, they walked back to their apartment and reflected of the success principles that would be tested every day. How would they manage their inventory of mistakes, learn from them and continuously get better?

“Hopefully tiny one, the countless daring interactions to defy perceptions and spread joy could inspire everybody to re-think the way they think, Twink.”

I will stand my ground, won't be pushed around

“Don’t Challenge Yourself to be Brave, Challenge Yourself to be Open and Trust In The Higher Self”

The wisdom of Mooji!

As Tom became increasingly more confident, convinced had figured out the Latin American ‘success formula,’ he began pushing the bounds of La Aventura envelope beyond belief. And his faithful companion, Twinkles the dog, was forever by his side seemingly mirroring her Dad’s boldness.

After a 24-hour trek from Colombia to Peru they arrive in Machu Picchu. Tom knew no dogs allowed into the Sacred City. It was a colossal risk. All that time, money and effort could dissolve with a minor hiccup. If dog couldn’t enter, everything would be wasted. But they took a risk, had a plan.

As they prepared to leave the hotel early that morning. Twinkles noticed there was some all too familiar behavior. The tiny dog was a veteran of covert ops. She saw her dad Tom assembling the ‘cloaking materials’ yet again. She thought, “Here we go again, another ‘DOGS NOT ALLOWED.’ More prejudicial dogshit.”

“All this dog-crimination does is solidify my desire to prove their rules of injustice wrong! I do belong here and when I’m here I’ll deliver joy.”

As they ventured into Machu Picchu town square, Tom delivers the familiar phrase, “Twinkles go pee.”

In doing so she found herself face to face with a local dog, a daunting yet curious Peruvian canine. The same breed as Simon Bolivar's faithful companion Nevado. The giant dog was forever by El Libertador’s side in battle. Nevado’s descendant, an equally Big Fella bore the proud heritage of Bolivar’s nobility and it showed in his demeanor.

Unimpressed, Twinkles, informs Nevado Jr, “I am La Princesa, nobility right there with ya.” She then has audacity to pee on the Big Fella’s turf. As on-lookers expressed concern for her safety, Tom chuckled, assured them, “Nope she’s fine.”

Twinkles had evolved from a place of fear and uncertainty to a point where she could brazenly interact with a dog more than thirty times her size.

Transformation complete.

As the Tiny One showed Nevado Jr. who’s the new boss bitch in town, Twinkles said, “Damn straight, I won’t back down, I will stand my ground, don’t be pushed around.”

With one of the Seven Wonders of The Modern World looming in the background, Tom and Twinkles were ready to take what seemingly would be the final leg of their adventure, united in their determination to explore Sacred City.

That would be the ultimate place to celebrate the victories, both big and small, that had brought them to this extraordinary miracle. A true capstone to achieve redemption.

On the wicked bus ascent, first step in the entrance to Sacred, City Tom laughed, “The legend Mark Twain once said ‘It’s not the size of dog in the fight, it’s the size of fight in the dog.’”

Twinkles confidently replied, “Damn straight. Cute, feisty, loyal is a solid combo.”

As they returned to ‘Estados Unidos’ they reflected upon their destiny achieved … remembered their original conversation when ‘La Aventura’ commenced.

“Hey Medellin might be a scary ass place according to some. But South America gave Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid an opportunity to remake themselves. This is our South America Getaway. I the leader Butch Cassidy, you the sidekick be Sundance Kid.”

Twinkles replied, “I wanna be Butch Cassidy.” So proud Tom said, “Have confidence you will, tiny one!”

Then Tom gave Twinkles a visionary pitch to gain tiny dog’s buy in. One he knew was potentially undeliverable but needed in the moment.

“In your new world you will live extraordinary life. Become who you’re supposed to be. Be member of an elite club. Do things you’re not supposed to. Do things you thought you couldn’t do.”

“We gonna get stereotyped, it’s not fun. In our new home there will be uncomfortable, adversity like you’ve never seen.  There will be extremes on each end. Good days are extraordinary, bad days pure agony.”

“We BOTH have to figure it out.  Apoyo y Ayude para Siempre.”

They stood out in their new environment, their appearances differing from the local residents. Yet, what set them apart wasn't just their physical appearance but their shared values of curiosity, empathy, and authenticity. Despite being outsiders, they demonstrated a sincere desire to integrate into the fascinating new culture that surrounded them.

Their curiosity drove them to explore the intricacies of local customs, traditions, and everyday life. Tom and Twinkles approached each new experience with an open mind, eager to learn and adapt. This curiosity served as a bridge, connecting them to the heart of the community.

Empathy played a crucial role in their interactions. Tom and Twinkles sought to understand the perspectives and emotions of the people they encountered. Whether through shared smiles, gestures, or a kind word, they communicated a genuine interest in connecting on a human level.

Authenticity became their guiding principle. Tom and Twinkles didn't pretend to be something they were not. Instead, they embraced who they were while respecting and appreciating the uniqueness of the new culture. Their authenticity created a sense of trust and camaraderie with the locals.

In their quest to integrate, Tom and Twinkles showcased that it was not about fitting in perfectly but about embracing the shared humanity that binds us all. Through their genuine approach and a willingness to learn, they not only became part of the new culture but also enriched it with the richness of their own experiences and perspectives.

We Learned That Empathy and Authenticity are the Foundation of all ‘Buzzwords’